Save Lives By Opening Your Car Door Using The Dutch Reach! in Jackson, MI

Fadi Mustafa's Blog | Save Lives By Opening Your Car Door Using The Dutch Reach!

When we go to open our car doors we do so with our left hands and this is a very dangerous move.

Why you ask?

Well, when we open our doors using our left hands we are not taking time to look and see if there are other vehicles or pedestrians.

This single move alone causes accidents and can seriously injure you or someone else.

This is why we need to start opening our doors using what is coined as "The Dutch Reach". 

Coined, due to it being brought to us from drivers in the Netherlands.

The Dutch Reach uses our right hand to open car doors which forces our bodies to pivot and look before we open our car door.

Simply using our right hand or The Dutch Reach can prevent bodily harm and save lives.

Will you be using your right hand to open your car door from now on?

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